
The Toe Truck

So after my last post I had to find a picture of the "Toe Truck" for you guys. Ah the important things in childhood.

Seattle Cont.

The next day we woke up and headed straight for Pike's Place Market. On our way there we ran into this guy: I lived there when he was installed and remember there being some controversy... sad that it's been up for 17 yrs and this was my first time seeing it! (at least that I can remember!)

Pike's Place was crowded like it always is, but we found an awesome parking spot. It was just down this street. Anyone who's been to Pike's Place knows what a feat that was!

We stopped by the famous Pike's Place Fish Market, where they throw the fish around, unfortunately, no one was buying any at the moment. I almost did, just so the kids could see it, but then thought it might not keep so well on the car ride home! ;)

The kids got to put money in the giant piggy bank named Rachel. All these years I knew about the pig, but never knew she was a functioning piggy bank, smart move Pike's Place! (She brings in between $6,000 - $9,000 in change a year!) I'm now going to go sculpt a piggy bank for my front yard. ;)

By far my favorite part of Pike's Place are the miles of flower shops! Walls just lined with Peonies, it was gorgeous! It's moments like these that I really wish I could smell. :)
Bouquets were only $5!!!!! I would have bought them all if I could.Everything was so beautifully displayed, I wish I could get my grocer to do this! (I'd probably end up buying a lot more produce too!) We went by one of my favorite places when I was younger, but didn't take the kids in, I'm sure it would have freaked them out a bit... they have mummys on display. (I think one's actually a petrified man, I can't remember...)
As soon as I saw this I knew we were close to the needle, this was always what I kept a look out for as a child. (This and the "Toe Truck" so funny)

We stopped at the Port of Seattle, where some of the boats from Deadliest Catch will dock. (none were there at the time, we checked!)
We walked the piers a bit with the kids. We saw a lot of interesting boats and people. This was one of my favorite boats, I just imagined some big burly, hairy man sitting there totally engrossed in the Stephanie Meyer book, lol.

We stopped and had lunch at Little Chinooks. It. was. so. good.

We had fish n chips made with Salmon! If you're in the neighborhood, you've gotta try this!

Our next stop was my Aunt Wendy's house. I hadn't seen her in 5 yrs, so I was excited to visit. Too bad we were lost. We called my sister Dani and had her talk us through it, so we were trying to figure out where we were so that she could figure out where we needed to go and we were moving at the time, so it was all a little stressful. We were already all laughing because of the situation when Daniel yelled from the back, "I have to go potty right now right now right now!" Usually when he tells me he has to go to the bathroom we've got at least 20 mins before it turns serious, but not this time. Within a minute it turned catastrophic and lets just say he was soaked! I don't have a clue as to why we found it funny, but we laughed the whole way to Wendy's. (I was very thankful that I'd packed extra clothes and that we had wet wipes and Clorox wipes) Once he was all cleaned up we joined everyone else. We were so happy when we saw that our Uncle Mike was there to and when Aunt Laurie showed up. Aunt Wendy was just so great with the kids, taking them all over her yard (it was so gorgeous, she obviously inherited my Grandfather's green thumb) and letting them pick some of her flowers. The kids loved her.

She even let them plant a flower. (I loved this, the kids were none the wiser)

While they were all in the garden we got to sit and chat with my uncle Mike. I haven't laughed that hard in a LONG time. It was so much fun. My uncle Mike is so much like my father that it's a bit crazy. (I told him that he's my Dad with no censor, and I think it's true;) ) I snapped this picture for my folks. They all say "Hi!"

(he he, Nicole buckled and bought one of the bouquets at pike's place, I was jealous, and I "got" to carry it all the way home)
This next picture is where my parents lived for a while. (There was a house there then ;) ) So weird to me that it's a public park now! It was beautiful then and it's beautiful now.
On our way home we were greeted by this scene. It's enough to make me want to move back.


The Waterfront

After the park we took a drive through our old city (Kirkland, WA). It was CRAZY to see everything again. Here's the house that fit 10 of us at once! It still looks almost exactly like it did back then. I think they've put in new windows, but it's even still the same color. (oh yeah, and they have a new front door)Here is Nicole's crossing signal. When my sister Nicole was in Jr High School she got hit by a car while walking to school one morning. Luckily she was eventually alright (lots of jaw surgery and rehab, but okay) and they put up this sign just because of her. It's her claim to fame. :)We drove around for a bit and found my Grandpa's house purely from Nicole's memory. I never drove in Seattle (I was too young) so I was pretty impressed by her finding it that way. It brought back sooooo many memories. We even drove around back and tried to get a look at the yard. My grandpa was an avid gardener and we all have such fond memories of his beautiful gardens. I don't think the new owners kept it the same, but what can ya do? We stopped by my Grandparent's graves and left some flowers. I know they both would appreciate that. (I'm convinced they are where I got my love of flowers)

Our next stop was the Kirkland Waterfront. This was also where we went for Family Home Evening sometimes to feed the ducks and clime around on the rocks. It is SO much busier now and they even charge for parking! It's all getting kind of yuppie.
Daniel and Zoe had a blast throwing rocks into the water. Which I only just found out is a lake, not part of the sound!!! Duh. Growing up I always just assumed it must be the ocean. Now that I really think about it, it totally makes sense that it's a lake.... wonder what else from childhood I have wrong?!? I have no clue what brought on this expression, I'm just so glad I caught it! Too too funny.

The scenery was just perfect, we were there just as the sun was setting and I couldn't help but grab some shots of the kids. Zoe is a great little model.

Here's Daniel signing off....


Nicole and I both hadn't been to the Seattle area for a while, so we thought we'd make a quick trip up. Our first stop was lunch with our Cousin Thayne. The generations in my family are kind of messed up, she's my cousin, but her oldest children are my age. So growing up, it felt more like she was my aunt, but now that I'm a bit older, she feels more like my cousin. We always have fun with her and taking after our Grandmother, she gave us some delicious home-made cookies on our way out. (Seriously, they were so good, thanks Thayne!) Our next stop was Farrel-McWhirter Park in Redmond. This was our family's favorite park growing up. We went there all the time for Family Home Evening and would have a picnic, then spend the rest of the time running and playing. Nicole and I thought it was pretty funny that when we got to where the trees were thicker, both kids got a bit scared, and we both felt happy and at home.

We found some uprooted trees that Daniel thought were awesome. He couldn't believe that these were just the roots!

The kids stopped to pick buttercups on the path. I picked some too, and looking down at them in my hand was immediately transported to my childhood. Funny what'll do that to you. Just a couple step farther on the trail the kids found horses.

Zoe thought she'd show her flower to the horse.

And freaked out when he ate it! This next picture was taken 1 second after the other one, that's how fast she got out of there!

And she kept her distance the whole time after that! (I don't blame you Zoe!) Luckily the horses here are very sweet.

Climbing the stairs to what was one of my favorite activities, running around in the silo.

This is just for my siblings. It all still looks the same doesn't it? When we got back to the car these two little munchkins decided to gang up on us. They felt we didn't give them enough time to play. It was hilarious. You can't really see it in the photo, but trust me, very mature, concerned faces, lol. Too too funny!

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