I.AM.TIRED.. It's been a long day. I've done laundry, went grocery shopping, stopped at Circuit City and Best Buy, both of which did not have the cd sleeves that I was looking for. (those things can be expensive!!!)(I'm thinking I may have to make my own...) I also went to Lowes and bought molding, dif, screw anchors, some paint chips and got the molding cut. Then I came home, put DS down for a nap and got to work. I fixed the towel holder in the main bathroom and put the moldings in. Have you ever thought about how hard it is to hammer down boards behind the toilet???? Nearly impossible... for a woman anyways. (Physiology!)Then I caulked the ENTIRE bathroom. Hubby went for pizza (Thanks hun!!). Then I striped wallpaper off one of the walls in the other bathroom. Now I'm relaxing, sigh. Why this push on the house? Because I have suddenly realized that we are moving in 6 months and I have a lot to finish here! I still have to get the windows and carpet replaced and replace the carpet in our bathroom with tile. (seriously, who in the heck puts carpet in a bathroom??? AND no fan?!?) Put molding in the kitchen and touch up the paint throughout the house. Oh yeah, and I forgot about finishing striping the wallpaper in our bathroom and painting it, the office and the wall in our bedroom that DS drew all over. Sounds do-able, right? I just want to get it all done asap so that I can actually enjoy it a little bit before we move. We are thinking that we'll probably end up moving to Ohio or possibly Iowa. DH has been accepted at 2 med schools in Ohio and has an interview in Iowa at the end of the month. I'm anxious to make a decision and start planning. I'm just trying to see the adventure in it all!
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3 years ago
wow, go "Jane". Seriously---have you seen www.bejane.msn.com ? It is awesome. I totally have the fix-it, decorating bug---but am paralyzed by my rental. Only 4 months to go. Good blog---funny, I have the same IKEA square mirrors, mine are all black and in my dining room---I like the red. Your doing Grandpa Leavitt's journals, or grandpa wootton? I want them too :)
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