On our drive home from Utah this summer we stopped for a day in Moab, UT at
Arches National Park. (Our poor car went coast to coast this year!) The first area we stopped at was Park Avenue (because the walls of the small valley look like buildings.) There is an area farther down in this picture where the ground has completely smoothed out over the years. I decided years ago that this is what I'd like in my master bathroom someday. lol! (not this actual stone, something like it....) I'm weird, I know.

Balanced Rock

Aren't the lines and grooves in this stone beautiful? Don't you just want to run your fingers over them? Sadly, you can't traipse off the main pathways at all here because the "
soil is alive" here. (It's full of bacteria and micro fungi)

This water was such a welcome sight! It was about 95 degrees with absolutely no shade in sight. A hot hot day. I really really wanted to go swimming right about then. :) (this is at the beginning of the trail to Delicate Arch)

I loved that Daniel was so pumped about the whole thing. He was excited for an adventure!

At the top was beautiful Delicate Arch. I included a picture with a person in it just so you could see how mammoth it is.

Daniel was such a trooper, he didn't even ask to be carried once.

I love my boys.

We left the park as the sun was setting. So beautiful to see the rock formations silhouetted against the darkening sky. It was really hard to get a picture at this point, so this will have to do. Just know that it was 1000 times more beautiful than this.
Afterwards we headed into town (Moab) and found a little diner on Main St. that was still open. After our hot afternoon of hiking it was heaven to get ice water and ice cream! When we got to our hotel the ac didn't work (grrr), but we were all way too tired to switch rooms by that time. That night I took my first completely cold shower. I stayed in it for at least a half an hour. When it comes to heat I am the biggest wuss in the world, lol.