

It was a crazy non-stop  holiday season for us. We are still just trying to catch our breath and recover from it all. Add on top of that pretty-much never-ending computer issues (yes! MORE!) and you have a pretty good reason not to blog. ;) We now are set in the computer department, (knock on wood.... knock knock knock! ) And are back and almost into the groove. Interview season for residency is nearing an end, Daniel is back at school and we're all over the flu! Yay! Anyways, I just wanted to say... I'm back!!! (and I've got TONS to blog about!)
Sammy's first REAL swing ;)


The Sweet Petes

I can't wait to see the additional updates! And, oh my goodness, Sammy is getting so big. He is adorable!!!

Team Jensen

Such a cute swing photo! We've been going thru the sickies bugs at our house, too. Someday I'll get back to blogging. Right now, not in the mood. Hey, how did you get that awesome font for your date and title? Email me: lisarae2.0@gmail.com


Barbara, just wait until you see the pictures I'll be posting soon, he's even bigger! (those pics were a few months ago)


Lisa, just sent you an email! :)

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