Wow, wow, wow. I don't even remember how I heard about this movie, I just remember knowing that it would be a good movie. I didn't know what it was about, and I won't tell you either, it would ruin it for you. All I can say is that this movie was beautiful. I sobbed at the end. (which is become increasingly common for me... hopefully it's just because I just watching more meaningful movies lately?) You can feel the main actor's conviction, he wasn't just acting, he believes in the message of this movie, it was in his eyes. Although this movie was refreshingly clean, (no language, no sex, etc) this is not a movie for children, there is one scene that would definitely bother them. I was able to watch it for free on my computer from netflix (one of there instant watches online, and I have a free months trial), and I'm sure you could find it at Blockbuster, if not at a Redbox. So go rent it, put the kids to bed and keep a tissue near. Then let me know what you think!