Kirtland Ohio:
Okay, so if you don't like history, religion or lots of pictures stop reading here and just pretend this post doesn't exist.
Still here? Great, on we go...
Last Saturday Bryan and I FINALLY made the trek up to Kirtland Ohio. We've been talking about doing it almost every weekend since we moved here. The 3 day weekend proved to be enough to get us there and it was a lot of fun. First we travelled to Hiram, Ohio where the John Johnson Farm is located. I drove the 3 hours, Bryan tried his best to study and Daniel tried his best to get his Daddy's attention.
We were very impressed with the condition of the farm and the restoration that had gone into it. They have stripped all of the paint to find the original colors and repainted using the same ones. I couldn't believe their brave use of colors! They used oranges, teals and yellows. It made the place bright and cheery, but wasn't overpowering. I would never have imagined it though.
I had forgotten how many important things had happened here. The above picture is of the "Revelation Room" where Joseph Smith held many meetings and received many sections of the D&C. The picture below is of the room that Joseph and Emma stayed in when they lived here for a year. This was the room that he was pulled from to be tarred and feathered and where one of the little twins they had adopted died.

Joseph would preach off of the front step and they would build a
Bowery for hundreds of people to sit under and listen. If you ever get the chance to go to
Kirtland, make sure you stop by the Johnson Farm in Hiram.

Our next stop (after getting lost a bit) was the
Kirtland Temple. We didn't get to go inside because we were running short on time and the only way to get in is to take an 1 1/2 tour. But the grounds were beautiful! Maybe it was just that the leaves were all golden, but it was really something else.
Below is a picture of the inn. It's been beautifully restored and houses visitors information. (videos and models of the city, etc)

This was Joseph Smith's private study above the Whitney store. You can't really tell in this picture, but the trim is all a
mustardy yellow/brown. The table in the picture is the very same one that Joseph used in this room.

The School of the Prophets was held here. It's a very special room and you can feel that when you go into it. I also couldn't believe that they used to fit so many men in here at once!

This is the
ashery where they made ash to sell and help support the church. It's a beautiful building, it's been
built on top of the original foundation.

It was kind of
surreal standing inside of the Whitney store. It looks just like you'd think it would, kind of like the store in "little house on the
It was a great day for us, getting to spend time together as a family. We'll definitely do this one again!