
You need to watch this:

Made me laugh and it's so true!


I have found my Mecca. The other day Daniel and I dropped Bryan off at work and then drove about 40 mins. to the outlet mall. It was beautiful. Not necessarily beautiful in the aesthetic sense, but in the bargain/incredible buys sense it was one of the most beautiful things I've seen! There is a Pottery Barn/Williams Sonoma, Carter's, Oshkosh, Gymboree, Bombay & Co., Ralph Lauren, Eddie Bauer and TONS of other places. I was there from about 10 am to 4 pm and we didn't even see half of it. I got Bryan some pants and both of us sweaters at Eddie Bauer. (can you believe that they had a 36" length on the rack?!? I would have liked a 38 a little better, but you've got to take what you can get!) At the Old Navy outlet everything was %60 off, I think I'll have to go back there really soon! When I entered Pottery Barn it was like I'd died and gone to heaven! I have a feeling I'll be spending many a day at the Prime Outlets! (they even have a playground for the kids) We went to Zoo on Labor Day and had a lot of fun. Daniel sat on Bryan's shoulders and started steering him with his head, it was pretty cute. We especially loved the silver backed gorilla. He was massive and very beautiful. (Daniel thought so too!)

They had an aviary that had birds that would drink nectar from your hands and a kangaroo area where you could walk along side of them. It was amazing to us to be that close to a kangaroo!

Daniel loved the Elephants, but by far his favorite part of the zoo was the train ride at the end. He thought it was James (from the Thomas and Friends show)

It was a great day and we'll definitely be going back soon! (hopefully on Tuesday)


Okay so Kristen tagged me FOREVER ago with this little questionnaire and I've been meaning to do it since then, but well, I've been a little busy! So sorry it took me so long Kristen! (and happy wedding!!!!!)

5 Things I Was Doing 10 Years Ago:
1. Starting my senior year of High School
2. Auditioning for College Music Programs
3. Taking my senior pictures
4. Working at Dairy Queen and driving a mustard yellow Volvo.... I was way cool....
5. Performing in the Music Man

5 Things On My To-Do List Today:
2. Finish unpacking (just have like 4 boxes in the office and closet)
3. Refinish the set of drawers I just bought
4. Detail the car (still haven't gotten to do that since we bought it!)
5. Dishes, again..... those are never really done, are they?

5 Snacks I Enjoy:
1. Diet Pop, really any kind
2. Kettle Corn
3. Ice Cream
4. Anything chocolate
5. Anything Mint

5 Song I Know the Lyrics To:
1. LOTS of songs in other languages that none of you have ever heard of.....
2. "Who Knew" - Pink
3. Hollaback Girl (CLEAN version) - Gwen Stefani
4. Any Colin Raye songs
5. tons of church songs.....

5 Things I Would Do If I Was a Millionaire:
1. Pay for Medical School!!!!
2. Buy a house
3. Go everywhere I've ever wanted to go.... (and I'm sure I would find new places all the time, so really, just go everywhere!)
4. Start and keep up orphanages that really took good care of the children and place those children with good families at a reduced cost to them.
5. Set our families up for life!!! (parents and siblings included!)

5 Bad Habits:
1. drinking diet pop
2. Not saying what I really mean/feel
3. Raising my voice
4. Leaving laundry in the washer for too long
5. being late

5 Things I'd Never Wear Again:
1. a purple sweat suit
2. side pony tails!
3. hiking boots as everyday, casual wear
4. green jeans
5. neon anything

5 Things I Like To Do:
1. Sing
2. Watch tv/movies
3. Scrapbook
4. Travel
5. Photography
(mine were exactly the same as Kristen's, imagine that!)

5 Favorite Toys:
1.Mama Bear (a weird green bear with Velcro paws)
2. My big wheel
3. Blocks
4. Cabbage Patch Dolls
5. our jungle gym

If you read this and have a blog consider yourself tagged!


I am posting this picture for Nicole. These are the weird gallon milk jugs at costco. At first I was really annoyed with them. They're really tall and kind of hard to pour out of. But now I really like them, they fit in the door of the fridge so much better... maybe they're onto something here in ohio....


Just realized that I completely forgot to post pictures from Bryan's White Coat Ceremony. It was a really nice day. Bryan's Mom was here, so we looked around a bit and went to the bookstore to get our copies of Eclipse ( by Stephenie Meyer awesome chick read, start by reading twilight first.... more about that later...) Daniel fell in love with this book about big machines and grandma got it for him. Thanks Grandma! Then we walked over to the auditorium to watch Bryan get his medical coat. There were a bunch of speakers and awards, etc. Then Bryan finally got his white coat. It was kind of crazy to see him in it.Daniel was obviously enthused... he fell asleep pretty fast and was snoring.... yeah I felt cool.
Yesterday I made another major score on Craigslist.....

I know it doesn't look like much now, but I'm going to fix it up and use it in my office/studio for scrap booking, photo storage, electric accessory storage,etc. Way excited, it was really cheap too. Now I just have to decide how to refinish it.


Just a heads up. My favorite online scrapbooking store is having a sale on everything! Go to www.scrapgal.com and when you check out use the coupon code laborday to get an extra %10 off of everything! They've got great prices on everything already, so this is a great deal. Just thought I'd share this with all of my "poor" friends!


A major score! We've been looking for a desk forever and couldn't find anything that worked for us. I've been watching craigslist for about a month now and finally found an awesome deal on something that would work. Woo hoo! I went and got it and it's in our office now. It's awesome. Here's a pic. Everything else was trash or waaaay too expensive, so we're really happy. (Yes, I guess I am easily appeased!) Daniel is finally asking less and less to go to his grandparents' house, but now he's started asking for them to come here! It's funny the way little kids' minds work. Bryan's test went well and we're all at a loss as to what to do with his free time this weekend. Today we went to a park that had an exhibit of "Big Bugs" made of wood and metal. It was a perfect day weather-wise and the sculptures were really cool. Daniel had a blast running around and riding his bike/stroller. In fact we had a TON of people comment on it and say how much they loved it, so Carol, it's a big hit! Daniel saw this bench and ran to it and then proceeded to pretend to be asleep. Crazy little boy. Then just as we were about to leave the park a ranger came over and kicked us out because of the stroller/bike!! Can you believe it? She said it bore too much of a resemblance to a bicycle (which isn't allowed), who knew?
A little while ago Daniel's Grandma sent him some cute underpants just because. He LOVED them and still to this day is trying to convince us that they are shirts. No such luck child!

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